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Informazioni Jeff Ament | 0 Fan!

Nome: Jeff
Cognome: Ament
Età: 61 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Pesci
Data Nascita: 10-03-1963
Luogo Nascita: Havre - USA
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Jeff Ament

Genere Musicale

- Alternative rock - Grunge - Hard rock


- Basso

Brani del Gruppo Pearl Jam

Giorno di pubblicazione 27-03-2020
1. Who Ever Said 05:10
2. Superblood Wolfmoon 03:49
3. Dance of the Clairvoyants 04:25
4. Quick Escape 04:46
5. Alright 03:44
6. Seven o'clock 06:15
7. Never Destination 04:19
8. Take The Long Way 03:41
9. Buckle Up 03:37
10. Comes Then Goes 06:03
11. Retrograde 05:23
12. River Cross 05:53

Lightning Bolt
Anno di pubblicazione 2013
1. Getaway
2. Yellow Moon
3. Sleeping By Myself
4. Let The Records Play
5. Swallowed Whole
6. Pendulum
7. Infallible
8. Lightning Bolt
9. Sirens
10. My Father's Son
11. Mind Your Manners
12. Future Days

Live On Ten Legs
Anno di pubblicazione 2011
1. Arms Aloft
2. Alive
3. Porch
4. Spin The Black Circle
5. Public Image --> Proponi testo
6. Jeremy
7. Just Breathe
8. In Hiding
9. Nothing As It Seems
10. The Fixer
11. Rearview Mirror
12. Unthought Known
13. I Am Mine
14. State Of Love And Trust
15. Got Some
16. Animal
17. World Wide Suicide
18. Yellow Ledbetter

Back Spacer
Anno di pubblicazione 2009
1. Gonna See My Friend
2. Force Of Nature
3. Speed Of Sound
4. Supersonic
5. Unthought Known
6. Amongst The Waves
7. Just Breathe
8. Johnny Guitar
9. The Fixer
10. Got Some
11. The End

Pearl Jam
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
1. Life Wasted
2. Come Back
3. Army Reserve
4. Wasted Reprise
5. Gone
6. Big Wave
7. Unemployable
8. Parachutes
9. Marker In The Sand
10. Severed Hand
11. Comatose (Crapsoot Rapture)
12. World Wide Suicide
13. Inside Job

Lost Dogs
Anno di pubblicazione 2003
1. Down
2. Wash
3. Dead Man
4. Strangest Tribe
5. Drifting
6. Let Me Sleep
7. Angel
8. Last Kiss
9. Dirty Frank
10. Brother
11. Footsteps
12. Hard To Imagine
13. In The Moonlight
14. Alone
15. U
16. Black, Red, Yellow
17. Leaving Here
18. Gremmie Out Of Control
19. The Whale Song
20. Hold On
21. Yellow Ledbetter
22. Bee Girl

Riot Act
Anno di pubblicazione 2002
1. Can't Keep
2. Arc
3. 1/2 Full
4. Bushleaguer
5. Help Help
6. Green Disease
7. Get Right
8. You Are
9. Thumbing My Way
10. I Am Mine
11. Ghost
12. Cropduster
13. Love Boat Captain
14. Save You
15. All Or None

Anno di pubblicazione 2000
1. Breakerfall
2. Soon Forget
3. Sleight of Hand
4. Rival
5. Grievance
6. Of The Girl
7. Insignificance
8. Thin Air
9. Nothing As It Seems
10. Light Years
11. Evacuation
12. God's Dice
13. Parting Ways

Live On Two Legs
Anno di pubblicazione 1998
1. Untitled
2. Black
3. Go
4. Daughter
5. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
6. Nothingman
7. Corduroy
8. Better Man
9. Hail, Hail
10. Off He Goes
11. Red Mosquito
12. Given To Fly
13. Do The Evolution
14. Mfc (Many Fast Cars)
15. Even Flow

Anno di pubblicazione 1998
1. Faithful
2. All Those Yesterdays
3. Push Me Pull Me
4. In Hiding
5. Low Light
6. MFC
7. Do The Evolution
8. Pilate
9. Wishlist
10. Given To Fly
11. No Way
12. Brain of J.

No Code
Anno di pubblicazione 1996
1. Sometimes
2. I'm Open
3. Mankind
4. Present Tense
5. Lukin'
6. Red Mosquito
7. Habit
8. Off He Goes
9. Smile
10. In My Tree
11. Who You Are
12. Hail, Hail
13. Around The Bend

Anno di pubblicazione 1994
1. Last Exit
2. Better Man
3. Satan's Bed
4. Bugs
5. Corduroy
6. Pry, To
7. Nothingman
8. Tremor Christ
9. Not For You
10. Spin The Black Circle
11. Immortality

Anno di pubblicazione 1993
1. Go
2. Leash
3. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
4. Rats
5. Rearviewmirror
6. Blood
7. W.M.A
8. Dissident
9. Glorified G
10. Daughter
11. Animal
12. Indifference

Anno di pubblicazione 1991
1. Once
2. Deep
3. Garden
4. Porch
5. Oceans
6. Jeremy
7. Black
8. Why Go
9. Alive
10. Even Flow
11. Release

Brani del Gruppo Temple of the Dog

Temple Of The Dog
Anno di pubblicazione 1991
1. Say Hello To Heaven
2. Reach Down
3. Hunger Strike
4. Pushin' Forward Back
5. Call Me A Dog
6. Times Of Trouble
7. Wooden Jesus
8. Your Savior
9. Four Walled World
10. All Night Thing
11. Angel On Fire

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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